The story begins when an ancient evil is awakened and corrupts the world of Canvas Kingdom. It is up to the young Prince Pixel, and his ability to transform himself into anything the player creates, to go on an epic adventure filled with unexpected dangers and excitement. His goal is to save his parents and return his kingdom back to normal. As Prince Pixel successfully battles his way through an array of enemies, the player gains more drawing tools and abilities which allows them to refine, upgrade and strengthen their character creations.
Players can choose from over 220 fully customizable characters or create their own. Unlike any other game, Graffiti Kingdom features highly intuitive, yet sophisticated drawing tools that allow players to literally draw their own fully playable 3-D characters, the only limits are that of the imagination! Using the tools, simple 2-D shapes are automatically transformed into fully customizable 3-D parts which are incorporated into the final character. The player can color them, draw on them, make them spin, stretch, fly, walk, bend, flatten, gallop, defend and attack.
The game also features a two-player mode which allows players to trade characters as well as engage in head-to-head battles. Up to 144 original characters can be stored on one memory card.
Graffiti Kingdom carries an MSRP of US$29.99 and an ESRB Rating of "E" (for Everyone).