"Bounty Hounds" takes place hundreds of years in the future, with humans scattered across the galaxy in search of habitable planets. Faced with war against an alien race called ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) over the colonization of new interplanetary territories, a group of mercenaries called the Bounty Hounds have been called in to exterminate the alien threat and scour hostile planets to find a safe harbor outside of Earth.
Playing as the leader of the Bounty Hounds, players can choose from more than 500 varieties of weapons, armor and items to complete their missions. For ultimate firepower, dual wield both melee and ranged weapons in both hands -- and even switch weapons on the fly to take on any type of foe! The advanced enemy AI changes according to the health and weaponry of the player, and promises every battle to be as intense and challenging as the first for the player. "Bounty Hounds" also allows players to download two modes -- Trial Mode and Vs. Mode from a single UMD by utilizing the wireless connectivity of the PSP system. The Trial Mode provides players with a single-player mission, while the Vs. Mode offers head-to-head battles with a friend.
“'Bounty Hounds' features non-stop action and a tremendous selection of weapons and items that will keep players fighting to unlock rare and powerful equipment,” said Yoshi Niki, Business Unit Director at Namco Hometek Inc. “We have taken advantage of the wireless connectivity of the PSP by offering multiplayer features that are sure to become a favorite of gamers everywhere on the go.”
"Bounty Hounds" is scheduled for release in Fall 2005.
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