187 Ride or Die tells the story of a reluctant urban hero named Buck, a young man living a thug's life seething with money, fast cars and beautiful women -- with danger lurking around every corner. Set in the underworld of Los Angeles, Buck must defend the territory of his mentor Dupree from a menacing nemesis and his gang of bandit roughriders, led by Cortez, who are determined to take control of the streets.
187 Ride or Die features the voices and likenesses of rising young actors including Larenz Tate (Menace II Society, Ray), Noel Gugliemi (Training Day, The Fast and the Furious), and Guerilla Black, who also produced and performed the in-game music soundtrack comprised of 15 unreleased hip-hop tracks composed specifically for 187 Ride or Die.
187 Ride or Die will be available for the Xbox and PS2 on August 23 (August 25 in Europe) at the manufacturer's suggested retail price of $49.99.