In Darkness Rising, an evil uprising threatens the land and the mightiest heroes in the Realms are called into service. For the first time in Dark Age of Camelot, players will be able to earn the right to be called a Champion of the Realm. Players become Champions by exploring new zones and revisiting altered lands while investigating the mysterious uprising to discover its sinister underpinnings. By performing this service for their Realm, players achieve new levels of advancement and gain the ability to wield class-specific Champion Weapons. Darkness Rising also introduces majestic player-controlled horses and other more fantastic steeds which can be ridden into conflict in the war between the Realms.
Champion of the Realm Details:
- Champion Weapons are available for all Champions of the Realms. Each class in the game has their own specific weapon, uniquely tailored to that profession.
- Advanced mounts are available to Champions of level 45 and above. Mounts include Nightmare, Unicorn, Warhorse, and the * Undead Phantom steed, among others. Advanced mounts can be used in PvE and in Realm vs. RealmTM zones, given a unique name, and customized by adding saddlebags, armor, and barding.
- Champion Levels allow players to gain new skills and learn abilities from other classes ("sub-classing") - for example, a fighter can learn mage spells by sub-classing.
- The Darkness Rising expansion pack will be available in North America for $19.99 via digital download this October directly from Mythic Entertainment. Darkness Rising requires the original Dark Age of Camelot and Catacombs expansion pack to play.
Darkness Rising begins a new chapter in the epic saga of Dark Age of Camelot. Years of strife and conflict have taken their toll upon the peoples of Albion, Midgard and Hibernia. Increasing occurrences of rebel uprisings threaten to plunge the Realms into turmoil and chaos, and in this desperate hour, a call for help has gone out. Only a true champion of the Realm can stem the tides of revolt and save their Realm from destruction from within. Answering this call, the player must embark on a quest to crush the rebels seeking to depose the Realm's self-anointed ruler. However, all is not as it seems. Behind the uprisings, dark powers are seeking to exploit the three Realms during their time of need. From the halls of the infamous dungeon, Darkness Falls, these sinister forces are massing a mighty invasion force to subjugate all the Realms and establish a nightmarish new order on Earth. New foes have emerged to challenge the might of Albion, Midgard and Hibernia. A new darkness is rising in the lands. The courage and might of a champion is all that stands between the forces of evil and total domination.
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