Created by Eric Young, of DAS Entertainment, designer of such war game classics as the "Close Combat" series and the "V for Victory" series, "Squad Assault: Second Wave" continues that quality tradition. Once the battle starts, the soldiers you command respond with real reactions to the combat situations around them. While the battles can rage fast and furious, the game's user-defined auto-pause feature for order entry and battlefield assessment also offers a perfect alternative for those who prefer traditional turn-oriented play and a more thoughtful game. Further, the full 2D maps in "Squad Assault: Second Wave" are available at a keystroke to make battle overview simple and easy to view, and a simple to use mod-installer for mod swaps requires just a click of the mouse.
"As World War II buffs know, this Saturday, September 3rd marks the anniversary of the day the United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany in 1939," said Got Game President Howard Horowitz. "With the release of 'Squad Assault: Second Wave' this weekend, both history buffs and real-time strategy fans can experience the intensity and the drama of the ensuing battles."
Featuring 57 total single missions playable at three different difficulties, 26 operations and 6 dynamic campaigns, the game is primed for replayability and retails for only $29.99 (USD). "Squad Assault: Second Wave" is rated "T" for Teen by the ESRB for Blood and Violence.
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