"The cell-shaded characters have been painstakingly rendered for the PlayStation 2" said Rika Maruya, Co-Producer at Bandai Games. "With a great cast of players like the half-demon Inuyasha and the demon-slayer Sango, we made a special effort to create characters that move and fight as fluidly as in the stories from the long-running anime series."
Inuyasha: Feudal Combat allows fans of the television show and fighting games alike to partner two characters from the series to duke it out in ancient Japan. Featuring 12 playable fighters from the dog demon Inuyasha to the evil shape-shifter Naraku, Inuyasha: Feudal Combat promises an original battle system in a sweeping fairy tale setting where demons and magic roam freely in feudal Japan.
Features for Inuyasha: Feudal Combat include:
- 12 playable characters from the TV series
- Interactive environments that can give players an advantage in battle
- Original battle system that includes partner characters
- Three different gameplay modes, including mission, story, and two-player versus
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