Taking off from where the seminal horror classic Evil Dead 2 movie ended, Evil Dead Regeneration explores a "what if..." continuation of the evils connected to the legendary Necronomicon. Voiced by Bruce Campbell, players will control Ash, the reluctant hero of the series. Ash is joined by a deadite dwarf sidekick -- voiced by Ted Raimi -- who's literally half the hero Ash is. Developed by THQ studio Cranky Pants Games, Evil Dead Regeneration is available now for the suggested retail price of $19.99.
"This is not a sequel to any previous Evil Dead game, but an all-new Evil Dead adventure. Fans of Evil Dead have been waiting for an experience that injects a natural evolution which truly captures the mood and atmosphere of the world created," said David Bollesen, general manager, Cranky Pants Games. "We believe Evil Dead Regeneration provides the hysterical humor and frantic horror sewn into each film. The chemistry created between Bruce Campbell as Ash and Ted Raimi as his sidekick really delivers on the spirit of the films. Punting a half-dead sidekick to do your dirty work is case-in-point."
Evil Dead Regeneration follows Ash, the lone survivor of a camp discovering the Necronomicon -- the wholly evil book of the dead. Thought to have murdered his companions, Ash is arrested, convicted of the crime, and sentenced to Sunny Meadows, an institute for the criminally insane, but not for long. Ash's peaceful stay is about to end -- thanks to the perverted experiments of his very own psychiatrist. Hell-bent on using science to harness the Necronomicon's powers, the mad doctor unleashes the book's all-powerful Evil on the world -- releasing a new slew of Deadites, monsters and spirits, twisting reality into a hellish strudel and leaving mankind with that not-so-fresh, apocalyptic feeling.