Set in a futuristic metropolis in East Asia, Frame City Killer casts players as Crow, an assassin sent to Frame City to identify and eliminate Khan - a mysterious terrorist and head of a deadly new-age drug cartel. As a hit man, players track and profile targets, while utilizing numerous methods to execute the perfect hit. Frame City Killer offers players a dark and gritty storyline, thrilling car chases and a variety of ways for players to achieve their goals.
Frame City Killer is the first game by a Japanese developer to use the Unreal Engine 3. This technology allows players to experience the most realistic visuals and physics in an interactive environment including bombs shattering windows and bullets destroying cars.
"Namco has developed some of the greatest franchises in the history of the video game industry and we are extremely excited that they have licensed Unreal Engine 3," said Tim Sweeney, Chairman and Founder of Epic Games Inc. "We know that gamers everywhere will be just as excited to see what they are building with our technology."
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