This new family of Super Heroes, The Imperfects(TM), which includes super villain Niles Van Roekel, was created through collaboration with EA and top comic book industry talent including renowned writer Mark Millar, who helped create the back-stories for The Imperfects. In addition, comic artists Jae Lee and Terry Dodson helped in the development of the game working on the game's interface as well as the Marvel character concept designs.
With an all-star cast on the development side and a legendary line-up of Super Heroes that include Spider-Man, Venom, Magneto, Iron Man, Storm, The Thing, Daredevil, Human Torch and Wolverine, EA is delivering the most comprehensive, authentic and cinematic Super Hero fighting experience ever seen in a videogame. To top off the Super Hero clashes, players will fight to an epic soundtrack created specifically for the game by composer Trevor Jones, best known for his work on Dark City, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and From Hell.
The games features single player, multiplayer and online modes for epic multiplayer mayhem
Developed by Nihilistic Software and produced at EA Canada, Marvel Nemesis: Rise of The Imperfects is available for the PS2, Xbox, and the GameCube. The game is rated "T" (Teen) by the ESRB and has an MSRP of $49.99. Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects will ship on October 11 for the PSP and October 24 for the NDS.
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