"Around the world, Gundam is recognized as the classic that helped define our perception of what a mech anime is," said Yoshinobu Matsuo, Co-Producer of Bandai Games Inc. "In ^ÑMobile Suit Gundam SEED: Never Ending Tomorrow,^Ò we painstakingly rendered every mobile suit and fine-tuned the fighting mechanics to express every thruster explosion and swing of the beam saber. Players are given a genuine mobile suit experience that flawlessly captures the emotions and explosive events leading to one of the most cataclysmic eras in the Gundam saga."
It is year 70 of the Cosmic Era, a group of genetically modified humans called ZAFT attack a neutral colony to reveal five prototype mobile suits and a new battleship being built for the unmodified Alliance. The attack is irrevocable as the colony is obliterated and ZAFT forces leave with four of the five mobile suits. On opposite sides and in the midst of battle, young colonist Kira Yamato is forced to fight in one of the stolen mobile suits against his childhood friend Athrun Zala who is now with ZAFT. Mental and physical battles drive the most extraordinary mobile suit storyline that treads the path of Universal Century Gundam but culminates into a wholly unique story.
Features :
- More than 50 playable mobile suits and 40 minutes of CGI and cut scenes from the TV series
- Four gameplay modes, including story, mission, cooperative and versus play
- 3D aerial-to-ground action: battle on land or use thrusters to fight in mid-air
- Ability to perform combos utilizing a massive arsenal of weapons, including hand-to-hand combat, beam sabers, shoulder cannons, and rifles
- Partner pilot to provide support and weapons upgrade
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