Taking place in a futuristic Yu-Gi-Oh! world, Konami's newest video game in the series introduces players to a whole new cast of characters and monsters, new cards and incredible dueling action. The game starts with players entering the Duel Academy school where they can personalize their character and learn how to perfect their dueling skills with in-game tutorials and periodic quizzes. The better the player performs in class and the more duels they win, the higher their ranking will be in the game. Players try to ascend the Duel Academy ranks to become the ultimate duel master.
Further adding to the excitement of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy is the inclusion of a unique personal digital assistant (PDA) inside the gameplay. Players use the PDA to keep track of quiz and test scores, note important events and communicate with other characters in the game. Additionally, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy also comes packed with three limited edition Yu-Gi-Oh! cards: Elemental Hero Necroshade, Hero Wing, and Winged Kuriboh.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy is rated "E" by the ESRB and available exclusively for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance for an SRP of $29.99.
For more information on the game, please go to www.konami.com/gs