In the Monster Hunter series, the player becomes a hunter roaming a vast wildness in search of incredibly strong, powerful monsters. This Hunting Action game series, with its depth and breath-taking graphics, has garnered strong word of mouth as a game that even those unfamiliar with Hunting Action games can enjoy to the fullest. The first game in the series, Monster Hunter for PS2, breathed new life into the action genre with its originality, eventually garnering the coveted Most Distinguished Game award at the GAME AWARDS 2002-2003. Furthermore, Monster Hunter Portable, released end of last year for the PSP, has also surpassed the 500,000 units shipped mark, becoming a key hit title in driving PSP™ sales in Japan.
As the latest entry in the series, Monster Hunter 2 does not simply add new weapons, armor, and hunter's awards; it also introduces players to day and night in the game world, breeding season, and climate changes. By introducing these concepts of season and time, players can enjoy an unprecedented variety of hunting situations. The new powerful monsters lurking in the swamps and snow covered mountains that make up part of the harsh lands of the hunting "field" are eager to greet the latest group of would-be hunters! Also, by connecting via USB to a PSP™ with Monster Hunter Portable, players can enjoy a number of new elements in the game!
Capcom is committed to expanding its flagship brands, as well as creating original titles, that appeal to a broad spectrum of user tastes.