Get the Multitheft Auto San Andreas v1.11 Win32/Linux Client/server (5/1mb)
Changes in 1.1.1:
- Fixed: Freezes that occurred frequently for some users (and not at all for others)
- Fixed: Nothing would happen after the splash screen appeared for some users
- Fixed: All players getting kicked from a server with a "protocol error 92" message
- Fixed: Players getting stuck in "You will respawn in 1 second" mode, if a race starts before they join completely
- Fixed: Issue where error reporter would sometimes fail to find core dump
- Fixed: Occasional crash when connecting to a server through the server browser
- Fixes: Various other crashes
- Added: An error message is now displayed if you try to use the 'order checkpoints' option in the map editor if you have no checkpoints in your map
- Added: DefaultMapDuration and DefaultRespawnTime to server config