akuza, scripted by noted Japanese novelist Hase Seishu, features an intricate storyline driven by loyalty, honor, and revenge. The seasoned Hollywood cast will bring the widely varied characters to life with both subtle and impassioned performances. Adding his signature voice to the cast, Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs, Sin City) plays Shimano, a physically imposing Yakuza boss who relies on brutality to achieve his selfish goals; Michael Rosenbaum (Smallville) voices Nishiki, a ruthless Yakuza member who has turned against his childhood friend, Kazuma, out of bitter jealousy; Eliza Dushku, (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Bring It On) voices Yumi, who grew up with Nishiki and Kazuma in an orphanage, and is at the center of the mystery; Rachel Leigh Cook (She’s All That) plays Reina, owner of the Serena hostess bar, whose secret love leads her down a road of betrayal; and Mark Hamill (Star Wars, Batman: New Times) voices the insane Majima, a violent Yakuza boss with a twisted sense of honor.
“Yakuza was an immense hit in Japan, and in bringing the game to the U.S. market, we wanted to ensure that the subtle nuances of the game were brought to life,” said Scott A. Steinberg, Vice President of Marketing, SEGA of America, Inc. “The title delivers the cinematic visuals and fast-paced action gamers demand, and with these top notch performances, they will experience a deep, character-driven storyline like nothing they have encountered before.”
Yakuza is an all-encompassing, immersive chronicle that captures the full scope of Japan’s underground by authentically recreating Tokyo's clandestine nightlife and unveiling the mystery surrounding the Yakuza's traditional honor, respect, and loyalty system.
Yakuza for the PS2 will ship September 5, 2006.
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