"With the phenomenal success of the World Championship Poker titles, the World Championship brand has become recognized for high quality," commented Sheri Snow, Director of Marketing for Crave Entertainment. "Players will know they can expect the same standard gameplay and features in this collection that they find in the poker titles."
World Championship Cards includes a robust create-a-character mode that allows variations of personalities, skin tone, hair, clothing and hats to choose from. Powerful multiplayer capabilities allow up to 8 players to challenge others online, with PSn2 and PSP users able to play against each other. World Championship Cards for PSP features 8 player wireless Ad Hoc play, and will also support the EyeToy USB Camera and USB Headset for PS2.
The game is expected to an MSRP of $14.99 for the PS2 and $19.99 for the PSP.