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Supreme Ruler 2010

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Strategy
Publisher: Strategy First
Developer: Battlegoat Studios

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Supreme Ruler 2010' - v4.5.3 Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on July 5, 2006 @ 9:37 a.m. PDT

The year is 2010 and the Major Powers of the world as we currently know them have disintegrated into bickering economic and military regions. The United Nations has disappeared, and in its place an organization with far sharper teeth referred to simply as "The World Market" has taken its place. Individual Regions are left to fight for power to dominate their neighbors, their countries, their continents, and then the world.

Get the Supreme Ruler 2010 v4.5.3 Patch off WP (34mb)

UPDATE 5CHANGES - Version 4.5.3

New Scenario

WWIII – World War III: The world is divided into 31 playable nation states. … World War III has begun. Take control of one of the remaining world powers as the peace surely cannot last. … In-depth story and map, notes and emails were created and written by Chris Latour.
European Wars: Play Europe with 31 indenpendent countries. The Battle for Europe is on!

New Missions

Cuban Crisis 2010 … Capture the entire island of Cuba within 18 months…
Operation Shamrock …Completely capture the country of Ireland within 18 months…
Breaking Point. – Designed and Submitted by forum user Red. … Lead a dangerously-overextended Germany to safety.

New Groupings

World scenario. … Americas versus the World AND Triple Threat … Submitted by Eric Larsen – These groupings allow players to play the World map with fewer and larger regions.
US North West Scenario… Western Powers
United States Scenario … All North America … Now you can play with a United Canada, The Caribbean, Mexico and Central America against 28 weaker divided US states.

New unit additions

60 new units, 7 new unit pictures. This newest batch allows players to research more units as they progress through tech levels.

Reference Card

- Now included: a single page printable PDF poster listed several of our in-game icons such as unit classes, facility types and more. You should find the link in the Supreme Ruler program group.

Game Improvements / Fixes

Tech tree updated to remove mention of unimplemented tech effects
Icon spin rate now capped in unit popup window
Units suffer penalties if transiting in war-declaration region
'Path Around' region now supported
Fixed WM Water / Boat Pathing & return-to-base issues
Major improvements in Missile firing rate, especially from planes
Fixes & Improvements to Treaty and Trade Cancellations
Fixed issue where AI would refuse some very attractive trades
Missile "launch authority" is now limited to reasonable ranges
Partisans & Guerillas (non-loyal areas etc) implemented
Better spotting of high-stealth units in the same hex
Stealth hit on low efficiency units reduced
Carrier Stacking issue fixed
Locked-out minister no longer removes from market unless priority set
Electricity 'auto' pricing bug fixed
Fixed 'super-morale-mortar' bug
Training status not shown fixed
Long deck carriers no longer respond to sea transport requests
Airports (not airstrips) now have double the stack limit
Fixed issue where base popup would remain after destruction
Fixed bug that some missiles would not launch same day loaded
Going to war/Breaking all treaties also cancels all trades
AI may stop boycotts after going neutral
AI counter-offers improved
Relation & Belli effect on offers varies by value of offer
Manual re-basing air units on low-fuel return fixed
New Groupings added - US NW, World
Fixed rare crash bug related to dip trades / memory corruption
Fixed crash bug involving MP games with lots of clients & units
Re-Wrote DirectSound code; Optimized, Multi-Threaded, etc
Removed use of gamma-ramp from fadein/fadeout
Updated Volume Controls: Music, Sound, Windows Master Volume
Fixed Turn-based mode 'end time slip'
Europe scenario World Market commodities quantity adjusted
Replaced Sound code with Miles Sound; Finished implementation
Mission games now read GMC data for game information
Fixed Campaign Mode Progression for Polish Release

UPDATE 4 CHANGES - Version 4.4.2

  1. Training now works again.
  2. In Multiplayer startup lobbies, the clients would not get set to the correct map if the host changed the scenario choice after clients joined the lobby.

UPDATE 4 CHANGES - Version 4.4.1

New Mission(s) Included with Updates
“East to DC” – Get your Command Vehicle (currently located in Sacramento) to Washington DC before May 1st, 2011 (one year). Recommendation: Use Naval Transport and take a task force through the Panama Canal. Designed by Lead Game Designer David Thompson.
“Bridge to Romania” – Protect Romania from an invasion by the forces of Ukraine and Bulgaria using the German military. – Designed and Submitted by forum user Red. Check out the designer notes for details. Chat with Red on

New Scenario Included with Updates
“United States” - A reunification vote is scheduled for four years from the start of the scenario, but before that happens you'll have to survive Regional Elections; this makes your Domestic Approval Rating quite important. California, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Colorado and Texas seem to be controlled by aggressive leaders - so war may be inevitable… By default this map is playable as a 26 region scenario. Custom groupings allow players to play with the extra regions of Canada, Mexico, The Caribbean and Central America in a 30 region scenario. The “East to DC” mission was created using this scenario.

New Unit Additions
45 New units including new battleships, cargo ships and even a far future bipedal military vehicle. 2 new submarine unit graphics are also included.

New Features
Start from any region. There is now then new ability to play from any region in a map that contains more than 16 players. Using a little “page down” icon you can view and start from regions 17 and on. This feature applies to the new United States scenario and to the existing Europe map. This feature also applies to multiplayer games allowing the host to assign players to any region in a game.

Game Improvements / Fixes
Anti-Sub units w/o other attack (i.e. Nimrod) now fire properly
Fixed Unify vote win/unit carry-over issue introduced in Update 3
In Multiplayer, rejection of unification vote decision not allowed
Issue w/Missiles 'running out of fuel' in last hex corrected
Local Civilian Approval given greater weight in Unification Votes
Fixed Neutral War issue w/artillery of upgrades, ZOC (zone of control), etc
At game start, units will no longer act if initiative set to zero
Artillery/Nukes now hit landed air units
Experience and Training no longer go with sales of units
Left over 'retreating' order on neutral-exit units fixed
Fixed-wing air no longer re-supplies ships and subs; ok for helicopters
High Air unit (i.e. Mig 25) will drop to mid-air to attack mid-air
Units with missiles will unload missiles before loading as cargo
Non-tradable techs and pre-reqs can no longer be traded
Scenario lobby supports starting in regions 17+
Command Unit Spawning fixed
Experience Gains from Artillery hits reduced/capped
Undeployable units now get scrapped if base traded to ally
Captured airstrips & sea piers will now stay online even if damaged
Helis & Ships will always dock/land at ports/piers ('garrisoned')
Docking/Landing now based on transit treaty, not alliance
Eliminated player land now treated with less penalties
False 'version mismatch' message in MP saved-game loads fixed
Trading non tradable techs no longer allowed
Fixed Equipment's ID duplicated on equipment file
Colorado city spellings corrected
Mission based Aircraft can no longer resupply ships and subs.
High-air units such as MiG-25 now move properly to mid-air when attacking mid-air targets.
Fixed button unhide (quick flash) for missiles in lower panel when crossing hex.
Helicopters are now no longer impervious to indirect fire, such as a nuclear strike
Obscure unit building bug fixed. Unit queues now contain proper unit types when reloading saved game
Artillery experience gains reduced
Forcing missiles to unload from helicopters no longer works over water or unfriendly territory.
Units purchased from other regions no longer keep their experience.
Missiles loaded on a unit that is then transported by air/land/sea now unload missiles properly to global missile reserve.
Unification Voting Bug fixed - "first day all % moving up, rank in polls moving down" – now displays properly
Loading games from lobby problems resolved
Fixed active/reserve personnel values on sale of units
Fixed duplicate name when units surrender
Fixed ICBM/silo object issues
Political party names are no longer changed after reloading a saved game
A status of "self sufficient" now appears when a product is at a very high sustainable rate (for example when beyond "60 years self sufficient")
Bridges now report correct number of days left for repair
Units now sell properly. There were situations where some sell/repair/reserve orders did not take.
Ohio subs loaded with tridents no longer return to port
Saved games now reload using custom equipment list
Submarines with zero combat time due to loaded missiles no longer return to port until out of missiles as well.
Scenarios using custom equipment files will now continue to use to correct equipment file after reloading a saved game.
Fixed crash if missing GMT file & groups picked; handling of GMT and Data files for Custom games improved
Fixed bug that caused turn-based campaigns to revert to real time between scenarios.
Further fixes were made to missiles in how they regroup properly between scenarios of a campaign.
Unnecessary Return to Base for resupply when loaded with missiles has been fixed.

A number of map and scenario fixes, tweaks, and spelling corrections have also been made.

UPDATE 3CHANGES - Version 4.3.1

New Mission(s) Included with Updates

“Russian Bear” – Defend Moscow and then kill the command unit in St. Petersburg.

New Features

  • Missile storage limit now a startup lobby option
  • Unit Roles as subset of ROE (Rules of Engagement) implemented: --- Unit "Target Priority" options based on selected unit roles will allow units to only target certain types of targets.
    • Land, Air, Sea, Sub, Fortifaction attacks, and allow use of WMD are the 6 options. Selections are what the unit can attack by default. Fortification attack must be selected by the player or specifically orderd by the player and does not come default selected. The WMD option works when "autoloading missiles" is selected. This allows a unit to get its own missiles and even select WMD missiles.Unit roles will allow an air unit with ground and air attack values to ignore ground targets and remain at mid air to engage targets. Unit roles will allow a land unit to ignore firing on enemy naval units (useful when you are about to take over a region and you are hoping to get their navy).
  • Fixed Missile Loading/Autoloading issues related to new unit roles. Units can now be ordered to "autoload" their own missles when unit is not at full missile capacity AND based on the selected unit roles as chosen in the units ROE. When autoload is selected and there are available missiles the unit can be ordered to fire missiles and will continue to autoload its own missiles. Autoloading of missiles will start with autodeployed missiles first, then non autodeployed missiles. It will also select missiles with launch authority above missiles without launch authority.
  • Unit roles can also be adjusted in advanced orders for multiple units at once. To reset unit roles to default chose all land, air, sea, sub types.
  • Modified feature - you now "choose to accept autodeployed missiles" instead of preventing autodeployed

Game Improvements / Fixes

  • Display #s of missiles fixed for 65K limit (will disp glitch in saved games created before update 3)
  • Fixed issue with 'shadow' war status against dead regions
  • Fixed Load failure from saved missions & custom scenarios
  • Fixed Tech Tree errors on some technologies
  • Moved location of files in INI, TUTORIALS, LOCALIZE, and FONTS to accomodate localization requirements (future game translations)
  • Completed and tested all Localization Importers
  • Fixed rare crash bug with AI counter-offer loop
  • No longer stay a WM member in 'top level' (world) map
  • Fixed Repair Rate issue that caused repairs to take 4x longer
  • "Estimated Price" for manual purchases shows in red if greater than treasury
  • False data from Mapeditor no longer loaded (Research, Cmd Queues)
  • Fixed GDP/c 'escape velocity' growth bug
  • Corrected 'buyingpower' calculation for extended high inflation regions
  • Added an inflation effect to 'gdpcbase' value (creating longer term inflation effects)
  • Fixed log output bug on CivApr (Civialian Approval) Target number
  • Consumers have stronger reaction to very high domestic prices
  • Corrected bug with 'Agree' Button from Minister Emails
  • Allow setting of AI difficulty in Multiplayer games
  • Changed Minister reactions to Raise Prices/Lower Prices priorities
  • Changed Unit 'out of ammo' return when loaded with missiles instead
  • Air units no longer change 'home base' as often
  • Updated code to address Accidental Incursion/War bug
  • Units will no longer Merge with themselves
  • Improved & Optimized AI 'unit requested' dispatching/orders
  • Optimized 'unitorders' process (resulting in less MP (Multiplayer) data traffic)
  • Destroying/nuking capital no longer wins 'capture capital' games - capital is moved.
  • Now reporting # of icbm's & nuclear icbms in panels
  • Adjusted AI HQ dispatch unit quantities, distances adding a greater AI challenge
  • Demolition capabilities of units now fully supported
  • Engineers & Demolition now only affect player, not allies/others
  • Repaired/Improved a number of 'return to base' issues (hopefully!)
  • Further improved Air unit movement - Escort, Resupply, etc
  • Fixed missile issues - resetting launch authority, forced base return
  • Modified use of <1 hex missiles to include ZOC attacks
  • Air Patrol class no longer suffers effiency loss on patrolling
  • Units should no longer destack into an enemy zone of control
  • Artillery no longer fire on air units using indirect arty fire
  • WM subsidies spread out over time, not lump sum
  • WM Tech trades more likely
  • WM will now offer equip & designs for leg-class units
  • AI regions no longer accepts very long-term paybacks on offers
  • Low GDP Economies generate a bit more tax income
  • Domestic Pricing Changes; demand effect, DAR effect
  • Fixed issues with getting full value for domestic markups
  • World Market subsidy units no longer auto-deploy
  • Fixed issue that WM Boycotts only looked at for members - WM now boycotts non members
  • Military Advisors added as part of WM support
    Difficulty changes have greater affect on starting wm approvals
  • Autosave defaults changed: no client MP autosave; 7 days default for all game types
  • Fixed bug where war declared against player would lower approvals
  • Fixed bug regarding loss of reserves when upgrading base size
  • Fixed bug that electricity imports actually cost many times more
  • Increased WM cash/product subsidy frequencies; reduced units
  • Wrong reaction on war declaration by World Market towards regions fixed.
  • AI no longer accepts repeated offers for the same unit design while time is paused
  • Fixed missiles lost during campaign transition to new scenario
  • Launch grids that were not working properly are not functioning
  • Rebalanced WM subsidy for poor AI regions
  • Solved price of importing electricity to accurate levels
  • Reloading a game and switching regions no longer keeps the governemnt type of previous region.
  • Price now reports for entire missile pack not for one missile
  • Aircraft trying to reach far destination now rebase
  • defcon stuck at 3 when not at war fixed
  • Some equipment file entries adjusted for accuracy
  • Fixed mission "reload from lobby" problems
  • Cabinet minister takes action when player agrees to domestic prices too high e-mail
  • Values check for tech tree benefits
  • AI deploys missiles for use
  • Graphics issue frame 3-6, replaced missing Port picture
  • Solved issue of defcon stuck at 3 when not at war
  • Europe win no longer becomes North America player in World Map during Campaign carryover.
  • Grouping regions to WM works again
  • Player no longer retain WM membership on World map in campaign
  • Pluton missile and Sub launched nuclear tomahawk missile added
  • Trident/poseidon/polaris nuclear sub launched damage values corrected
  • Units of surrendered region no longer remain in play.
  • Status Line report for Artillery kills show only once
  • The World Market can no longer be accidentally nuked
  • Only engineers override "no destroy due to loyalty"
  • Consumer goods production now remains steady at day end
  • Launch authority no longer resetting at random
  • Unit moving when initiative = 0% only happens when individual unit initiative set above "none" in unit ROE
  • Aircraft can no longer "park" on water
  • Research no longer lost during campaign carry over
  • Corrected launch platform type of certain missiles
  • Aircraft when told to to "fire missile" no longer launch one volley then return home. Entire missile payload is launched before returning home unless unit required fuel.
  • Fixed tech tree error in Technology Tree PDF
  • An incomplete custom scenario in custom folder can no longer cause a crash (due to custom groupings)
  • AI will NOT accept trades in return for money payed back over absurd lengths
  • Players can now decide to reject a Unification Vote result if not the winner, resulting in a player having to resolve the map through military might.

Unit Improvements

  • More than 50 new units
  • Added six (6) new unit pictures
  • Corrected some unit pictures
  • Updated various unit stats and specialties

Map Improvements

  • Corrected Belarus Government type to Communist
  • Germany Scenario - Austria region - fixed broken river, Hungary research centre named.
  • Nordic & Europe - Sweden updated units
  • Africa - S. Afrca updated unit research
  • Ukraine - Belarus updated unit research
  • US New York- updated
  • US Northeast- updated
  • North America - updated
  • MidEast - updated
  • Europe - updated
  • Oceania - updated
  • Indomalayan - updated
  • Korea - updated
  • British Isles - updated
  • Canada - updated
  • France - updated
  • Russia - updated
  • World - updated (regional debts removed & production levels adjusted for the year 2020)

Known Issues with this Version

  • Silos do not respond to ‘autodeploy’ settings – ICBMs must be deployed manually.
  • Multiplayer Games with a “Unification Vote” Victory type will not end properly if a player rejects the vote result.
  • Full strength Fusion plants with the Cold Fusion improvement tech do not give the full expected output production.
  • Saved Campaign games do not load properly from the Scenario Lobby – use the main menu or in-game to load them.
  • Performance on maps with thousands of units can degrade if Pathing Display option is on (default is on). Shift-P toggles this option.
  • In a Campaign game level progression, missiles returned from field units are not ‘grouped’, resulting in occasional long lists of available missiles.
  • If a Peace treaty or Ceasefire is signed while missiles are in flight, the missiles may re-ignite hostilities unintentionally.
  • Overall Score values are weighted too heavily in some areas such as Research.
  • Trades of money or goods do not get cancelled when war is declared.
  • In certain very rare circumstances, enemy units may still deploy from a base after it has been captured.
  • It is possible to trade “Non-Tradeable” Technologies.

These issues will be resolved in future updates.

UPDATE 2 CHANGES - Version # 4.00.12

New Mission Included with Retail and Demo

  • “White Sands Project” – Stop the nuclear test planned by New Mexico.

Map Updates for Retail Version

  • North America: Updated a few rivers in the North America scenario.
  • British Isles: Added city (Dougrie) to an island in Scotland in the British Isles scenario to add supply to an ore mine.
  • Canada: Fixed city names in New Jersey and Canada scenarios.
  • MidEast: Updated a few "Belli Bar" ratings for Turkey against other regions in the MidEast Scenario.
  • Europe: Minor unit research additions.
  • Germany: Minor unit research additions.
  • Oceania: Fixed capital location for Philippines region.

Unit Additions/Changes

  • More than 20 new units were added to the Equipment List.
  • Some unit specifications were balanced: helicopters and fixed wing aircraft.
  • Unit picture addition: Combat UAV.

Feature Improvements

  • New GUI Element - State Department - Pick a region - In Panel 2, choose button named "Current Relations".

In this new third panel you will see the following:

  • Diplomatic Rating,
  • Civilian Rating,
  • Causus Belli,
  • Treaty Integrity Ratings and
  • World Market Ratings

There are two columns each under a region's flag. The first flag is your region, the second is the region you are viewing. The first three ratings are views directed towards the other region. Read the tool tip to see exactly what each bar represents. (For example, under your flag you will see how your people feel about the other region AND under the other flag you will see how their people view your region.)

The last three bars are regional ratings and are not views of the "other" region but are indicators about the region. (For example, under your flag you will see the Treaty Integrity Rating for your reigon and under the other flag you will see the same rating for that region.)

  • Added mid-air refueling, though must be managed by player
  • Added TAB hotkey - 'center on last event hex'. Pressing the TAB key will move you to the area related to the latest "green" status line entry.

Game Improvements/Fixes

  • Adjusted AI weighting of diplomatic offers. Now the AI is more receptive to accepting diplomatic offers. Diplomatic views of your region are still used to determine if a trade will be accepted. Now the AI will reject or occassionally send a counter-offer back to your region. Use the new State Department Panel 3 (mentioned above) to determine what regions will likely trade with you.
  • Fixed AI Land Trades Bug. The AI will no longer give away it's entire territory.
  • Fixed Bug in 'View Deployed Missiles' when picking silo.
  • Fixed Treasury/Resource lobby option bug on save game loads. This bug caused a treasury multiplier effect on each load of the savegame, in addition to the effect at the initial start of a game when resources were set to a higher than default level.
  • Fixed possible error if *.GMC file is missing for savegame (this will happen if the file is manually deleted in windows)
  • AI surrender changed to 'elimination style'. Previous AI surrender would hand over land to another region. Now will elimination code in place an AI region will simulate a fallen government where the region will be divided by surrounding regions.
  • Fixed minor graphic issues with Victory screen on campaign save reload
  • Fixed issue with different region names showing with saved games
  • Fixed issue where no 'loading bar' gets stuck after failed load
  • Fixed how cancelled units remained in reserved 'unit count'
  • Corrected issues with low fuel aircraft taking off too early
  • Email message regarding incursions on allies corrected
  • Fixed 'boycotts on Campaign carryover'
  • Improved cabinet performance/approval bars; also in MP (mulitplayer) save
  • Fixed bug with firing missiles from gas-fueled units
  • Air units now reset 'pause conditions' upon landing
  • Unit construction queue scrapping on surrenders fixed
  • Fixed rare refresh crashbug in Bonds panel
  • AI Diplomacy changes - response messages, counter-offers, etc
  • Greater use of AISTANCE lobby option
  • Difficulty level affects starting integrity levels
  • Fixed issue with unsaved Refugee Immigration details
  • Fixed issue with Diplomacy popup 'old data' in new game
  • Fixed issue with 'counting active research projects'
  • Large numbers of Research Centers have diminishing benefits/speed for research
  • Capped some quantities in WM unit giveaways/sales
  • Hidden start date in lobby option.
  • Fixed issue with Unilateral Treaty Breaks / Email sequence
  • In-game mute now only affects in-game sounds
  • AI will now deploy and use initial missiles stock.
  • Game supports greater selection of pre-set game resolutions
  • Work-around for the latest NVidia graphics driver bug completed.

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