"2K Sports' top-rated hockey franchise has always been highly praised by gamers. With the NHL 2K7 demo now available on Marketplace, every Xbox 360 gamer will be able to test drive this year's installment and experience for themselves the best next generation NHL game on the market," said Erik Whiteford, vice president of marketing for 2K Sports. "2K Sports has earned a reputation for developing the highest rated games and NHL 2K7 continues this legacy with new features you can't get anywhere else."
NHL 2K7 is poised to continue its streak of being the top-rated hockey video game for four-straight years by introducing a groundbreaking presentation system and all-new controls. NHL 2K7 captures the drama of hockey with Cinemotion[tm], a new feature that combines unique camera angles, cut-scenes and orchestrated music for a more exciting and immersive gaming experience. In addition, the Pressure Control[tm] feature enhances the defensive controls by allowing players to instruct teammates to defend specific opposing players.
NHL 2K7 is now available for the Xbox 360] and Xbox, and will be available in early October on PS2, with the PS3 title available this holiday season.
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