"The Digimon franchise is a popular franchise and we're excited to introduce it to the Nintendo DS," said Naruo Uchida, NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc.'s Vice President of Localization. "With the type of gameplay Digimon World DS offers, this makes it the perfect title for the portable platform, the Nintendo DS."
As the latest and most advanced game based on the popular Digimon brand, Digimon World DS has been exclusively developed for Nintendo DS fully taking advantage of the hand held platform's versatile functionalities. In the game, the player will assume a role of Digimon tamer and embark on an exciting journey to discover, raise, train and command over 230 unique Digimons. Unlike many of the character collection driven games in the past, the true fun of Digimon World DS begins when collection is completed. You will be able to build Digi-Farms to raise, evolve and communicate with your Digimons. You will also be able to exchange Digimons, engage in online battles together, and create rare breeds of Digimon with your friends via Wi-Fi and DS local wireless connection. This is the evolution of Digimon games.