Tokyo Game Show 2007 Title Announcement:
Title: Rune Factory - shin Bokujou Monogatari (NDS)
A new RPG based on the Harvest Moon series. Discover a completely new world of Harvest Moon with monsters to fight and dungeons to explore.
Title: Luminous Arc (NDS)
A new dramatic, real time tactical RPG for Nintendo DS. Lose yourself in a deep story, train your team, learn special attacks and combine objects to progress through the game. Then go head to head with your friends over Wi-Fi
Title: Bokujou Monogatari - Kimi to sodatsu shima (NDS)
Have you ever wanted to have your own island? With this brand new episode of Harvest Moon on DS, build your own island and discover new characters in 3D for the first time on DS.
Title: Bokujou Monogatari (Wii)
Recreate the movements on the Wii controller to actually sow seeds, plough the land, cultivate crops, etc.These are some of the farm tasks you will have to actually do in this very first next-gen Harvest Moon.
Title: Heroes (Wii)