As dozens of new video games are being stocked on retailers' shelves before the holiday season, the two-day event will focus on ratings, and education
National Summit on Video Games, Youth and Public Policy
WHEN: October 20-21, 2006
WHERE: The University of Minnesota Continuing Education and Conference Center
1890 Buford Avenue
Falcon Heights, Minnesota
WHO: Dr. David Walsh, president of the National Institute on Media and the Family
Doug Gentile, Iowa State University-Center for the Study of Violence
WHAT: More than 20 nationally renowned scholars, educators and experts on media violence and child behavior issues
The summit's goals include: review current and emerging trends related to video game rating systems, education policy and government regulation; determine the accuracy and independence of video game ratings; and, recommend a 10-year action agenda based on the summit's conclusions.
Additional information on the summit, including an agenda and list of participants, will be available in the coming weeks.