Developed by Spark Unlimited, Legendary: The Box tells the story of Charles Deckard, an art thief who is duped into stealing Pandora’s Box. When he opens the box, he releases hordes of beasts thought to be fictional – such as werewolves and gryphons – into an unprepared modern world. A full scale war between man and myth begins, and it is quickly complicated by the actions of powerful secret societies. As the person responsible for releasing this terror, Deckard’s unwittingly become the only person capable of containing it once more and saving civilization from being destroyed by the terrifying creatures of the box.
Developer Spark Unlimited was founded by 27 of the individuals who developed titles in the award-winning Medal of Honor series. The critically acclaimed and multi-million unit selling Call of Duty: Finest Hour was the result of the company's first efforts and the team is excited to bring their proven talent and experience in creating compelling first person action games to this project.
Legendary: The Box is a breath-taking blockbuster experience where man and machine take on the beasts of legend in the war to end all wars, all set against a backdrop of total social disintegration. High calibre ordnance meets beak, talon, fang and claw in awe-inspiring fire fights the like of which have never before been realised in a video game. Living, breathing dynamic environments are spectacularly torn apart in the battle to stay alive, with the devastation of New York and London realised on an unprecedented scale.
Legendary: The Box. Set to release in Spring 2008 on PC and next-generation platforms.