The provisional judge of the District Court of Amsterdam concludes that all the copyrights to the game Ancient Wars: Sparta always belonged to Playlogic pursuant to the agreement with WorldForge / Visionvale and Burut. The judge ruled in Playlogic’ s favour on all counts.
Jeroen Zandt, counsel for Playlogic: “The judgement is clear as crystal. Playlogic owns the copyrights. WorldForge / Visionvale and Burut have to pay a penalty of €10,000 each time they state the contrary or refrain from publishing rectifications of former wrong statements. They are prohibited to exploit the game Ancient Wars: Sparta outside countries of the former Soviet Union on pain of a penalty of €1,000 for every copy without permission.”
The popular game Ancient Wars: Sparta is based on the history of the ancient ages and their main nations. Spartans, Persians and Egyptians are fighting for influence around Little Asia, Europe and North Africa. The action takes place in the historically correct timeline between 500-450 BC, with different campaigns for all three races. Sparta represents 3D strategy in real time with the new developed “Ancient Wars Engine” (AWE), where the player will have to use each nation’s powers to be superior over other competitors and rule supreme.