The renowned Role-Playing Strategy series continues with a new story driven campaign, new maps and a previously unseen faction that the player can now control. The magical portals, the only links between the shattered islands of Eo, have begun to weaken and collapse, forever isolating the scattered inhabitants of the planet.
During a desperate search for a source to replenish the dwindling magic of the portals, a band of heroes uncovers the ruins of an ancient culture known as the Shapers; beings so powerful they were the source of all magic on Eo. Now one of these long forgotten creatures has awakened from his slumber, and his lust for domination threatens to consume the world.
Players must lead their armies through epic battles to uncover the mysteries of Eo’s past and forge an alliance with the only force on the planet capable of challenging the Shaper’s power – the mighty Dragons.
Features :
- New story driven single-player campaign introduces spectacular new landscapes.
- More RPG abilities introduced through special hero quests - the companions of your Avatar open quests that unlock unique skills.
- New Shaikan faction introduces Shaikan, Dragonkin, Blades and the powerful Dragon Titan to your arsenal of units.
- Enhanced skill tree with the new Shaikan Skill section provides all-new character development choices.
- Seamless story transition - players will visit familiar locations from Spellforce 2 and see the massive changes that have taken place.
- New spells and items to summon loyal pet companions for your Avatar.
- Hundreds of new items and new item sets that combine to grant special powers to your Avatar.
- Brand-new crafting skill allows the player to create and enhance their own items.
- Several new multiplayer maps and the addition of dueling mode that pits parties of heroes against each other.
- A new epic quest in Free Game Mode that takes the gamer across dozens of maps to create the ultimate weapon and face incredibly powerful foes in the Arena.
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