Based on the hit animated TV series, Naruto, this action adventure lets players take the role of Naruto himself, the aspiring ninja with the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit sleeping deep within. Set in a vividly rendered 3D environment, gamers can play through the story-driven missions to save the Hidden Leaf Village from the threat of evil and fulfill Naruto's dream of becoming the Hokage (leader).
Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles introduces a lush 3D world that will test the player’s Ninjutsu skills as Naruto, the feisty orphan who wants to become the most respected and admired ninja of all time. A brand new story drives the missions as players experience the trials and tribulations of a ninja-intraining – fierce competition from fellow students and constant challenges from their teachers. Players can and face-off against multiple enemies using either close combat moves or long-range weapons like shurikens and explosive cards, while familiar characters like Kakashi, Sasuke and Neji can swoop in for assistance. Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles offers plenty to satisfy any aspiring ninja with minigames, collectable status-boosting chips and plates to customize all aspects of Naruto's abilities, and lethal attacks taken straight from the popular anime series.
Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles for PS2 is published by NAMCO BANDAI Games, distributed in Europe by Atari, and scheduled for European release in May 2007.
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