The game Stranger is set in a magical world of its own. The whole universe and its inhabitants will immerse players in a hostile world full of tough encounters and battles. As players take control over three distinct heroes, the story unfolds as these three fight to save their immortal souls and overcome their destiny.
Kagar, Steiger and Mordlock are very different characters, but yet share the same destiny. Wrongfully expelled from their home world for the use of magic, these three find themselves teleported to a strange and hostile land, full of fearsome monsters and relics so powerful to tear armies to pieces. Having been enemies in the world they come from, all of them know that the key to survival is to stick together and fight side by side and combine their abilities if they ever want to make their way back home and take revenge on those who expelled them…
Players will take control of these different characters and use their diverse abilities, forge alliances, use the powerful and flexible magic-crystal-system and build up huge armies to crush the enemies.
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