Protagonist Sadwick is a young clown, travelling a fairy tale world with his family’s circus. But he is in no laughing mood and on a disappointing search for meaning in his life. One night, a mysterious form speaks to him in a dream and sends him on perilous journey. Many challenges await Sadwick, for the world he knows so well is doomed...
In the vein of classic adventure games, gamers direct Sadwick and his constant companion, a little worm named Spot, through the gorgeous backdrops of the game world. Hand-painted backgrounds filled with animated details and lovingly crafted characters in the style of classic animated films bring the story to life. The Whispered World meshes fairy-tale elements with melancholic undertones to create an epic fantasy story.
The adventure game from Daedalic Entertainment will be released in the 4th quarter of 2008 for PC.
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