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Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Platform(s): PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Genre: Action
Publisher: SEGA
Developer: Monolith Productions
Release Date: March 18, 2008 (US), April 4, 2008 (EU)

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Condemned 2: Bloodshot' (ALL) - 7 New Screens & Trailer

by Rainier on Feb. 2, 2008 @ 6:36 a.m. PST

In Condemned 2: Bloodshot you assume the identity of Ethan Thomas, former Serial Crimes Unit investigator, who has been called back to duty to track down his missing partner.
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