The story of Obscure: The Aftermath follows the survivors from Leafmore High, now enrolled at Fallcreek University, where the unsuspecting student body has a new addiction – strange black flowers that have suddenly sprung up all over campus. As the students begin experimenting with the substance they realize there is more to these flowers, turning their bad trips into a horrible reality. Obscure: The Aftermath is heavily inspired by teen horror movies with an onslaught of creepy gruesome imagery.
Players of Obscure: The Aftermath can choose their character and one AI controlled sidekick. In total there are six playable characters, each with their own unique abilities. These can be switched at various points in the game. Due to the game’s unique co-op feature, friends can join at any time to team up and attempt surviving Obscure II together. There are many available weapons to keep the monsters that hunt you at bay. Light might be the players’ biggest ally because you never know what’s lurking in the shadows.
“Survival horror gamers have been anxiously waiting for this game, and we’re pleased to announce that it is ready to go,” said Ajay Chadha, president of Ignition Entertainment USA. “We are all excited about this release. Retailers are anticipating its arrival and gamers are ready to get playing. We have had phenomenal feedback with our live action trailers from hardcore gamers, industry professionals, and the public at large. It has been a pleasure working on this title and exercising our diverse marketing techniques.”
- Adventure and action in a teen horror movie scenario
- 6 charismatic characters with unique skills Unique co-op mode: second player can join in at any time Highly detailed and rich 3D environment Find clues and solve various riddles and mysteries Vast variety of weapons and horrifying monsters Stunning soundtrack performed by the Boston Symphonic
- Orchestra and the Paris Opera Children’s Choir
Obscure: The Aftermath is scheduled for release on March 25, 2008, for Wii ($29.99), PS2 ($19.99) and PC ($14.99).
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