The hilarious new CGI-animated adventure-comedy follows the adventures of a mischievous circus chimp named Ham (Samberg) who happens to be the grandson of the first primate ever sent into space. As a publicity stunt, Ham is chosen to lead a mission into space to explore a mysterious new planet. But when he and his crew crash land on the bizarre yet beautiful world and find their lives in peril, Ham must prove that he really does have "the right stuff."
Cheryl Hines (Curb Your Enthusiasm, RV) and Patrick Warburton (Bee Movie, Seinfeld) reprise their roles from the movie, Luna and Titan respectively, for the videogame. Based on the highly anticipated film produced by Vanguard Animation and presented by Starz Animation, the game is slated for release on 1st August, 2008.
“I think it is really fun to have a videogame that goes along with the movie,” explained Cheryl Hines, who voices Luna in Space Chimps the game and the film. “It gives fans a chance to be part of the movie by playing as their favourite characters, while exploring new adventures.”
His grandfather's legacy lands HAM III, a quick-witted circus chimp with the genetics of a space hero, smack in the middle of an election-inspired senator's plan to discover alien life. As the newest recruit to a team of highly trained space chimps, HAM III becomes a reluctant passenger on a harrowing mission through a dangerous inter-universal wormhole. This galactic adventure rockets the irreverent HAM and his fellow space chimps, TITAN and LUNA, deep into the cosmos to a wondrous planet ruled by a bizarre, tyrannical king. With the threat of death-by-dunking at the hands of the evil king constantly dangling over their heads, the astro-chimps find themselves responsible for the success of the Horizon's perilous mission, their own survival, and the emancipation of the planet. Sometimes it takes a trip to outer space to learn an important inner lesson: when the banana splits, it's what's inside that counts.
Fans of the film can expand their experience with the game, which will offer players a unique storyline that chronicles the quest of Ham and Luna (Hines) as they overcome the perils of an alien planet in search of Earth's lost Infinity Space Probe.
Game Features
- Alternate between playing Ham and Luna exchanging humorous banter between the two acrobatic chimps.
- 13 levels including 3 bosses
- Battle 2-player coop style or fight as 1-player with an advanced AI-controlled hero at your side.
- More than 35 new enemies from the Fluvian world to challenge your combat skills!
- Unlockable 2 multiplayer cooperative arenas utilizing the chimpball or traversing on the back of Fluvians.
"Space Chimps" is produced by John H. Williams (Shrek and Shrek 2) and Barry Sonnenfeld (Men in Black, The Addams Family) and features the voice talent of Andy Samberg, Cheryl Hines, Patrick Warburton Kristin Chenoweth and Stanley Tucci.
Space Chimps will be available for the X360, PS2, Wii, NDS, and will release alongside the Twentieth Century Fox film release on July 18, 2008 (Aug. 1st in Europe).
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