"The Umbra middleware is very mature technology. The integration was a snap and we've been extremely pleased with the results,” said Halldór Fannar, CCP Chief Technology Officer. “We’re seeing near constant time for occlusion queries, independent of scene complexity. This is an important building block for the highly detailed worlds that we are now creating."
Umbra Software’s Umbra™ middleware is the industry-standard occlusion culling solution. The technology has two application areas, both of which are crucial for game makers: Umbra speeds up the actual game-play dramatically, and makes the content pipeline faster and more effective.
“CCP has always been a pioneer in creating vibrant and compelling 3D worlds,” said Farhad Taherazer, Umbra Software’s VP of Marketing. “With Umbra visibility optimization solutions, CCP’s artist will have no limits in creating vast, detailed and gripping worlds for EVE Online, as well as their future projects.”
Umbra Software is the expert in 3D visibility optimization solution for PC and game consoles. Umbra Software’s Umbra uses instantaneous occlusion computations to speed up the development cycle; it allows for truly alive, interactive worlds with more objects and characters with new levels of realism; it increases freedom in MMO game worlds, enabling modification of worlds by players on the fly.