"Avatar" is the story of an ex-Marine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on an alien planet filled with exotic life forms. As an Avatar, a human mind in an alien body, he finds himself torn between two worlds, in a desperate fight for his own survival and that of the indigenous people. More than ten years in the making, Avatar marks Cameron's return to feature directing since helming 1997's Titanic, the highest grossing film of all time and winner of eleven Oscars including Best Picture. The "Avatar" cast includes Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, and Sigourney Weaver. Academy Award-winning visual effects house, WETA Digital, renowned for its work in "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy and "King Kong," will incorporate new intuitive CGI technologies to transform the environments and characters into photo realistic 3D imagery that will transport the audience into the alien world rich with imaginative vistas, creatures and characters.
The Xbox 360 and PS3 Limited Editions will include an action figure of the movie's lead character, Jake Sully. The 6-inch Jake action figure will depict him as an Avatar and will come packed ready for action with RDA-issued fatigues, RDA authentic and detachable backpack, as well as an RDA-issued high powered rifle. The RDA (Resource Development Agency) is an Earth-based corporate entity that oversees the strip mining of Pandora's resources.
The Wii Limited Edition will include a 4-inch Na'vi Warrior Tsu'Tey action figure, featuring glow in the dark luminescent "skin,� as well as an authentic bow and arrow accessory. Tsu'Tey is the crown prince of the Na'vi.
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