After an age of warfare, the superpowers of the land of Valoran have come together to form a governing body that will settle all disputes behind the closed doors of the Institute of War. Their task is a noble one — to lift the impossible weight of bloody war off the shoulders of the world and place it upon a select few — The League of Legends. On the Fields of Justice, legendary Champions forge alliances and resolve their differences in battle arenas. In the League there is one rule that reigns over all else: Winner rules all.
In League of Legends, players take on the role of a persistent Summoner avatar that gazes upon the battlefield from above and influences battles by taking command of a chosen Champion. During each online multiplayer play session, gamers will choose one of dozens of unique Champions wielding diverse skills and abilities, and engage in fast-paced team-oriented combat to bring their foes to ruin. Champions will gain levels, items, and abilities that enable them to slay their opponents and augment the strength of their allies by battling with enemy minions, foul beasts, deadly turrets and enemy Champions. Players also advance their Summoner’s rank and power to gain new abilities and items, assisting their Champions in battle.
League of Legends emphasizes team-oriented gameplay and players must work together in order to defeat the opposing team. Players will be able to communicate easily through in-game lounges and chat rooms, and forums will act as a conversational hub for a wide variety of discussions amongst community members. League of Legends will feature custom-built multiplayer support including matchmaking, stat tracking, clan support, anti-cheat systems, dedicated in-game ladders and Leaverbuster technology. In addition to extensive multiplayer features, League of Legends will include a single-player mode where players can learn how to play and practice new strategies by engaging robust Bot-AI.
Teemo the Swift Scout
Captain of the Bantam City Scouts, Teemo is the foremost defender of the yordle homeland. In addition to his duties as scout leader—which include planning the soap-box derby, teaching new recruits the scout’s pledge, and judging the yearly s’more-eating contest—Teemo is also responsible for the defense of Bantam City itself.
In Teemo’s bestselling autobiography, Accuracy by Volume, the leader of the Bantam City Scouts expounds on yordle military tactics, such as blow-dart carpet bombing, and filling trebuchets with poison-tipped sewing needles.
Though he can often be found in the courtyard outside the practice arenas signing copies of his book, Teemo is really at the League of Legends for another reason. He has come, as the emissary for the entire yordle nation, to petition the Institute of War to start a new type of tournament. His proposition includes wood carving, rope bridge building, and campfire cooking to the list of approve forms of “combat” sanctioned inside the League. So far, he hasn’t had much luck.
- Blinding Dart (Active) – Teemo fires a poisonous dart that causes damage and hinders vision for a short duration.
- Toxic Shot (Active) – Teemo sends a poisonous dart at a targeted Champion, dealing damage over time every second. Teemo can stack the effects of the poison with subsequent toxic shots.
- Move Quick (Active) – Teemo goes into a full sprint, increasing his movement speed drastically. Should Teemo take damage while Moving Quickly, he must move slowly to recover.
- Scouts Bounty (Active) – Teemo tracks an enemy champion for 30 seconds, causing the target to lose armor. If the target dies while being tracked, Teemo gains extra gold.
- Eagle Eye (Passive) – Teemo’s eyes can see far into the distance; his sight range is increased.
Jax the Grandmaster at Arms
The most prolific tournament fighter in the League of Legends, the self-proclaimed “Grandmaster at Arms” rattled off a streak of consecutive wins 152 long. No one had ever achieved even half of that number before, but what made it even more remarkable was that he did so while fighting only 152 matches.
Concerned the peace accords that ended the Rune Wars would be threatened by a fighter who was unbeatable in the arena, the Institute of War hastily banned Jax from the arena all together. But after scores of petitions from his adoring fans, the Institute eventually relented, stating that a champion’s skill was no reason to remove a realm’s access to the governing powers of the tournaments.
Jax was reinstated, but with one rule: He is only allowed to fight with weapons the Institute deems suitable. For now, that list includes a lamppost, a chicken’s foot, a spatula, and a fishing rod.

- Empower (Active) – Jax’s next attack cleaves multiple enemies in a single swing. This ability can stack where each subsequent attack adds bonus damage, cleave radius, and sight radius.
- Leap Strike (Active) – Jax leaps toward an enemy target, attacking target immediately and dealing bonus damage.
- Counter Strike (Active) – Jax’s Counter Strike permanently increases his ability to dodge incoming attacks. Additionally, if Jax dodges a physical attack he will briefly stun all nearby enemies.
- Relentless Assault (Active) – Each attack drains Jax’s mana, but if he lands enough consecutive attacks on a target he will deal massive damage. Additionally, each successful attack increases his attack speed.
- Weapon Mastery (Passive) – Jax has an incredible understanding of weaponry, this increase his physical damage gained through items.
Key Features :
- Play as dozens of unique Champions with diverse skills and abilities while engaging in fast-paced team-oriented combat.
- Compete in a variety of highly stylized and unique handcrafted battle scenarios.
- Create your own persistent Summoner avatar and customize your appearance through achievements that you earn in game.
- Advance your Summoner in rank and power to gain skills and abilities that give you an edge in battle.
- Join clans and teams to compete with other players in tournaments and organized leagues.
- Assemble Legendary items for your Champion by forging together basic items you obtain on the battlefield. Choose from over 200 uniquely crafted items to augment your Champion's power.
- Robust matchmaking and detailed stat tracking help to ensure balanced games for new players and veterans alike.
- Unlock new content through persistent gameplay and mastering the game.
- Integrated LeaverbusterTM technology helps ensure people stay for the whole game!
- Participate in the creation of League of Legends through our Suggestion Engine the community will have an unprecedented voice in what new content is created and implemented into the game.
And much, much more...
The League of Legends community will feature an abundance of ongoing events including tournaments, leagues and contests. The Riot development team will open their doors for community input, allowing gamers to have their opinions heard, have their ideas implemented in League of Legends and continue to shape the game as it evolves post-launch. Gamers can already join the community forums to begin tracking the new title, engage with the Riot team and other players and become a part of the development process for League of Legends.
League of Legends is being designed by a decorated group of developers with credits that include PC & console blockbusters, as well as part of the team that created the popular Warcraft 3 mod DotA-Allstars.
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