Uncover the events that took place during the year Sora was asleep regaining his lost memories. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days revolves around Roxas, the "other" hero from Kingdom Hearts II, and his days as a member of Organization XIII. Follow Roxas and the rest of Organization XIII across the various Disney Worlds, and discover the connection between him, Sora, and the mysterious 14th member, and the reasons behind his eventual departure from the organization. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days also features a multiplayer mode for the first time, allowing players to control their favorite Organization XIII members!
-Twilight Town-
Roxas and Axel were watching the sunset from their usual spot on the station's clock tower after a long day of collecting "hearts" from the Heartless, as ordered by their organization. When their daily work ended, they often spent their evenings there. They talked about the day's work and other things over ice cream.
"Do you know why the sun looks red as it sinks below the horizon? It's because among the countless colors comprising light, red travels the greatest distance."
"You're just trying to show off, Axel!"
It was idle chatter between two boys without hearts.
This is the untold story of Organization XIII's Roxas.
Ship Date: TBD
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