Uncover the events that took place during the year Sora was asleep regaining his lost memories. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days revolves around Roxas, the "other" hero from Kingdom Hearts II, and his days as a member of Organization XIII. Follow Roxas and the rest of Organization XIII across the various Disney Worlds, and discover the connection between him, Sora, and the mysterious 14th member, and the reasons behind his eventual departure from the organization. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days also features a multiplayer mode for the first time, allowing players to control their favorite Organization XIII members!
Follow Roxas, the “other” hero from Kingdom Hearts II, and discover more about his days as a member of the mysterious Organization XIII. What is the connection between Roxas and Sora? Who is the mysterious 14th member and what were the reasons for his eventual departure from the organization? Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days adds one other exciting and essential component to the fun, being the first Kingdom Hearts game to offer a multiplayer mode.
John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd. comments, “Kingdom Hearts continues to bring joy to players around the world. With Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days I am delighted to be revisiting the wonderful worlds of Disney and very pleased to see the addition of a multiplayer mode. I am sure fans will find this an exciting and essential entry in the series.”
Roxas and Axel were watching the sunset from their usual spot on the station's clock tower after a long day of collecting "hearts" from the Heartless, as ordered by their organization. When their daily work ended, they often spent their evenings there. They talked about the day's work and other things over ice cream.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days will be released across PAL territories fall 2009.
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