Bakugan tells the story of Dan and his friends as they battle their Bakugan Brawlers to save the planet of Vestroia and, ultimately, Earth from destruction. The series airs on Cartoon Network in the United States and internationally, and on Teletoon in Canada. The toy line, developed by Spin Master Ltd., brings action to the popular genre of collectible trading card games with marble-like Bakugan spheres that transform into "battle brawling" action figures when rolled onto special game cards. A genuine toy craze in the 2008 holiday season, Bakugan recently won three "Toy of the Year" awards from The Toy Industry Association: overall Toy of the Year, Boy Toy of the Year, and Property of the Year.
The video games, under development by veteran Japanese studio NOW Production, will render the elements that made Bakugan a worldwide phenomenon into mind-blowing digital experiences. Everything a Bakugan enthusiast and gamer would love is here - intense battles, the ability to create your own Brawler, cartoon quality graphics and multiplayer combat.
The first Bakugan game will be released for NDS, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3 in the fall of 2009.
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