The first wave of Open Beta will be held from February 18th till Sunday 21th and the level cap will be 10. After the first wave, Kalicanthus will announce further waves, increasing the level cap each time, so the players will be able to test and explore the infinite world of Craft of Gods.
Kalicanthus will announce the opening of the registration system to access to the Open Beta later.
The Open Beta keys will also be distributed through the most significant Web portals.
For the Open Beta release, Kalicanthus also unveils new content, which is currently in development. More than 2.000 new quests, new mobs and new items will be added to "Craft of Gods". A starting tutorial will also be included, to help new players to understand the background and the game. For the Open Beta release of "Craft of Gods" game, the interface will be modified following all the suggestions kindly sent in by players during the Closed Beta: pet menu, trade menu and general game interface will all be updated. Open Beta will also include in-game mail system and new weather effects animations. Some of the abilities will be changed and new spells will be added.
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