What’s the best word you can make from the letters A-L-H-G-N-U-I-G?
If you said “laughing”, then you’ll be a dangerously good player of Quarrel. If you said “hug”, well… never fear, you might still be dangerously good too!
The essence of the game is making high-scoring words, but what’s the use of making high scoring words if they don’t help you dominate an island? As luck would have it, that’s exactly what you do in Quarrel: lead your troops to vocabulary victory!
Quarrel uses a dictionary provided by the legendary word-wizards at HarperCollins to ensure only “real” words are good enough, and to let you know what those words mean. That way you need never come up with a dodgy explanation for the words you guessed at in a blind panic (such as “voe” or “za“).
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