The second installment in Renegade Kid’s Dementium series, Dementium II brings the horror experience on Nintendo DS™ to a disturbing new level, with gory and horrific environments, unnerving full-motion cinematics and horrifying enemies. Moreover, Renegade Kid’s mastery of the Nintendo DS’s capabilities makes Dementium II a technical tour-de-force for the platform.
“Not many publishers are willing to release an M-rated product for Nintendo DS,” said Richard Iggo, VP of Marketing at SouthPeak, while fiddling with a lighter and stray aerosol can he found on his desk. “Some might say that releasing a game like this is a risk. I like to think of it as a brave move by some vigorously scented, shockingly handsome and extremely talented people. In truth though, we know there’s a huge, dedicated fan base out there because of the success of the first game. They can’t wait to be kept awake at night through sheer terror. We look forward to wide-spread reports of insomnia, followed by bouts of insanity. However, if there are any repercussions, it was rock music that did it. Not us.”
Dementium II, developed by award-winning developer Renegade Kid, is available now on Nintendo DS with a suggested retail price of $29.99 and is rated M for Mature by the ESRB. This game should not be supplied to or played by people under the age of 17 or those with a nervous disposition.