Ignition Entertainment announced that its Japanese studio have licensed NaturalMotion's morpheme animation middleware for El Shaddai.
“We are delighted that Ignition Entertainment have chosen morpheme as we are fully aware of their commitment to creating the mos believable animation possible for El Shaddai”, said Christian Staack, VP Sales of NaturalMotion. “We look forward to supporting their project throughout its development and eagerly await the game’s debut at E3 in June.”
"We considered a number of options before choosing our animation tools", said Vijay Chadha, CEO of Ignition Entertainment. "We are convinced that morpheme will allow our animators to deliver the high quality of performance that this project demands; the evidence of this can be seen at this year's E3".
NaturalMotion’s morpheme is robust animation middleware designed to give developers and animators unprecedented creative contrl over the look of their final in-game animation by allowing users to author and preview blends, blend trees and transition graphs in real time. Available for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PC and Apple iPhone, morpheme has experienced a rapid adoption rate, being licensed by some of the biggest names in the games industry.
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