Dead Space Aftermath is an animated feature that explains what happened during the first-responder mission to Aegis VII. Dead Space Salvage is a graphic novel that tells the story of a rogue group of miners who come across the dilapidated USG Ishimura. Aftermath and Salvage will be available in winter 2010, as part of the pre-launch campaign for Dead Space 2.
"It is tremendously inspiring to see Dead Space continually expand to more media. It has always been our goal to experience the universe through multiple lenses and our vision is being realized. The Dead Space world is living, breathing, and terrifying. We couldn't be more excited about these new offerings," said Steve Papoutsis, Executive Producer of the Dead Space franchise.
The animated feature, Dead Space Aftermath centers on the Aegis VII disaster and explores how the Government sends an unwitting crew of people to get exposed to Marker shards. The Government is secretly trying to produce a viable "Marker blueprint" carrier, no matter the costs. Dead Space Aftermath is being developed by Starz/Film Roman and will be available in January 2011.
The graphic novel Dead Space Salvage tells the story of the Magpies, who discover an abandoned mining ship, the USG Ishimura. Their once-fortunate luck turns into a catastrophe as they realize they're in the middle of a living nightmare. Not only is the Government racing to claim the Ishimura, but the necromorphs are also reanimating across the ship. Dead Space Salvage will feature the unique visual style of fantasy and sci-fi artist, Christopher Shy. Dead Space Salvage is being published by IDW and will be available in December 2010.
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