Special Powers
- Dynomine: A remote mine that can be used to destroy enemies and obstacles. Dynomine automatically detonates when enemies walk past. It can also be remote detonated with the A button.
- Robo Hustle: A short speed boost useful for evading enemy attacks. Frobot can kill enemies while dashing.
- Stud Missile: Destroys most enemies and obstacles. The Remote Stud Missile can be detonated during flight by pressing the A button.
Jive Stalker: The deadly disco ball can be precisely guided with the Wii Remote pointer. The solid gold disco ball has an explosive area effect upon contact. - NEW FEATURE! Collectible Power Picks
Each level in the Single Playa campaign has a collectible power pick. If you can collect all five power picks in a location, you will upgrade one of Frobot’s powers.
Multi Playa Mode
Only one Fro will be left standing in Multi Playa mode! Up to four Fros can do battle with energy blasts, mines, missiles, grenades, and disco balls. Duke it out in 10 maps with a variety of objects such as teleporters, moving platforms, force fields and more.
Multi Playa Exclusive Weapons
The Bass Bomb and Heartstopper Shield are weapons exclusively available in Multi Playa. The Bass Bomb is a grenade. It’s also the only weapon in the game that can be thrown over walls. The Bass Bomb is equipped with the A button and also thrown with the A button.
Heartstopper Shield
To use the Heartstopper Shield press the Z button. It reflects energy blasts and blocks the Jive Stalker but cannot stop the explosive effects of the Dynomine or Stud Missile.
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