Age of Wonders is the first part of the acclaimed turn-based strategy series set in a fantasy world inhabited by 12 races, including traditional fantasy like Elves and Dwarves, and several unique races like Azracs and Lizardmen, just to name a few. Relations between each race adds a unique element to the gameplay experience, while the story introduced is an intriguing tale of how Humans first came to a new land, upset the balance between races and caused chaos in the land. Players have to choose either to lead the forces of good or to wreak havoc as evil lords. GameSpy summed it up well in its review, stating, “Age of Wonders is a quality turn-based strategy and one that any fan of the fantasy genre should try.”
“The Age of Wonders series is a perfect fit for's catalogue, as those games became true classics by taking the best aspects from traditional turn-based strategy games and added cool modifications and improvements that made the series very popular among gamers,” said Guillaume Rambourg, Managing Director at “We're sure our users will be very happy to see those games available again without DRM and for such an affordable price."
Age of Wonders is now available on for $5.99, while Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne and Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic will be available soon for $9.99 each.