"The development of Blacklight Retribution has been a hard earned labor of love and after receiving praise from both fans and media, we're confident that our work will pay off," said Jared Gerritzen, Creative Director at Zombie Studios. "Closed beta is another step towards a game that we know people will have a great time playing."
"We've been looking forward to getting Blacklight Retribution into the hands of gamers, so we're excited to open the game up to thousands of players," stated Andrew Brown, Executive Producer for Perfect World Entertainment. "We are confident that many gamers out there will be pleased and will finally have a real first person shooter experience in a F2P environment."
Blacklight Retribution will be going into closed beta on November 10, 2011. Select players will be invited into the closed beta on day one, followed by additional waves of players in the following weeks.
Players that are registered will be selected for this test and receive an email with instructions the week of the test.
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