7554 (7 May 1954) represents is the day the French army in Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam surrendered to the Vietnam People’s Army thereby withdrawing occupation of all Indochinese colonies.
“There has never been a video game of this size and scope from Vietnam and that fact alone gives us a lot of national pride. It is our privilege and our challenge to create a first person shooter that gamers will enjoy playing. And though 7554 is based on historical events, it is not an attempt to recreate the past, but rather it is a vehicle meant for entertainment,” said Nguyen Tuan Huy, Director of Emobi Games.
The single player campaign puts gamers on the front line of a colonial independence movement locked in battle against a technologically more advanced modern Western occupier. Players will experience the colonial movement’s growth from insurgent guerrilla band to a conventional army using Nvidia’s PhysX engine and Havok’s Vision Engine 8.
7554 will be available exclusively for PC for $12.00 USD.
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