In X-Men Destiny, players control the fate of one of three brand-new mutant characters forced to choose between saving humanity or ensuring its destruction. The branching storyline, penned by acclaimed Marvel writer Mike Carey, features a deep element of choice, allowing players to customize the path, powers and development of their character and to decide their role in the mutant cause alongside, or against, some of Marvel’s greatest X-Men franchise characters, such as Magneto, Cyclops, Wolverine and Gambit. In this third-person action/RPG, X-Gene enhancements deliver a deeper level of customization to players’ powers, with a chance for players to experience the abilities of their favorite X-Men mutants. Gamers will evolve their mutant skills in unique ways and engage in fast and furious combat, spectacular combo-driven attacks and rewarding finishing moves against a variety of opponents bent on defending their beliefs.
Name: Grant Alexander
Background: Sandersville, Georgia
Ambition: To be a football superstar
Grant is in San Francisco hoping to land a starting spot for the University of California, Berkeley, Varsity Squad. Oblivious to the world tensions, Grant doesn’t see that the peace rally and threatening protesters around him have any connection to his life. When he discovers his own mutant powers, Grant is faced with the realization that mutant/human relations are absolutely his problem.
Key Features:
- Control Your Mutant’s Destiny – Throughout the game, players control the destiny and evolution of one of three new mutants by making critical core power and core faction decisions, which determine who will fight alongside or against them, what enemies they will encounter and which side, X-Men or the Brotherhood of Mutants, they eventually join.
- Unleash Your Mutant Power – Players choose between three all-new characters – taking control at a critical moment when they discover their mutant powers – then select one of three distinct core power sets, which provide the genetic template to build upon for their mutant powers, and, for the first time in an X-Men game, are able to combine and customize different powers for their chosen character.
- Walk In Another Mutant’s Genes – X-Genes – direct implementations of other X-Men’s’ powers – deliver a deeper level of customization to players’ powers and offer a chance to experience the abilities of other X-Men mutants, such as Iceman’s freezing power or Pyro’s fire power, allowing players to evolve their mutant skills in unique ways and engage in various combat and attacks.
- Your Choices Shape the Story – Players now have the power to direct the destinies of their new mutant within the game by making morally ambiguous choices that do not have a clear-cut right or wrong answer.
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