You take on the story of Red Savarin, a 17 year old anthropomorphic dog, and his robot, Dahak, as he does battle with giant robotic “mecha” and other enemies on his journey through the mythical floating islands of the Shepherd Republic. After a chance encounter with the mysterious Elh, he gets inadvertently entangled in an epic adventure to save the world from destruction at the claws of the ancient evil being, Lares.
“We are extremely excited to bring Solatorobo: Red the Hunter to all the fans who have been clamoring for this amazing game since its initial release in Japan,” said Jun Iwasaki, President of XSEED Games. “Solatorobo delivers a fresh new style of game for the popular handheld which consists of an extremely unique and detailed world, resulting in an experience that is both rich in story and of a high visual fidelity rarely seen on the Nintendo DS platform.”
Navigate the intriguing islands, taking on a series of different quests; from fighting robots to battling sky pirates, racing planes and defeating giant monsters, while exploring the sky on your own airship and ultimately saving the world and discovering the truth behind the mysterious floating islands.
There are a number of gameplay modes in Solatorobo, including “Quests”, where completing quests earns you money and the ability to increase your Hunter Level, while in “Battling” you must lift and smash robot opponents to gain experience points which extend the amount of life that Red has.
The game unfolds in two parts, each consisting of a number of chapters in which you must fight to keep the earth in this island-like state to prevent mass extinction and the end of the world as we know it!
Solatorobo is easily accessible for any age, and is packed with fast-paced action and over 20 hours of game play to test your skill and dexterity.
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