After the long debates surrounding the cameo appearance of young Van Helsing in the teaser video earlier this year, it seems that he will fade back into darkness after all of his struggles to become famous, being too young for this dangerous adventure. As he has to leave the story so early, NeocoreGames decided to call all available Van Helsings to a huge audition to find the protagonist they really need. They've already come to the final round: three tough heroes are left…
A few weeks ago Neocore asked its fans to help the developers with finding the best Van Helsing. You could vote for which three tough but totally different heroes: The Mysterious Stranger, The Chevalier and The Veteran.
All of them were very determined but The Mysterious Stranger won out in the end with 72% of the total number of votes!
This mysterious stranger will save you in a heartbeat from the various creatures of the night, leaving with only a snappy one-liner. He is the son of the legendary monster hunter Abraham Van Helsing, and although he might be young, he is far from inexperienced. But fate has different plans for him than for his father. To defeat the new threat, he has to side with the ancient monsters of Borgovia and reconsider everything he learned to believe…
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