Based on Robert Kirkman’s groundbreaking comic book series, The Walking Dead is a five part episodic Adventure Horror game series set during the same apocalyptic period witnessed by Sheriff Rick Grimes. Telling the story of a new group of survivors as they struggle to flee the horror of Atlanta and the surrounding communities consumed by the undead, The Walking Dead offers players the chance to experience the very first days of the apocalypse, meeting people and participating in events that intersect with the story seen in the comic books.
Playing Dead is an online talk show that takes fans behind the scenes to reveal what has gone into making the game. Hosted by AJ LoCascio (the voice of Marty McFly in Telltale’s Back to the Future: The Game series), the nine-part show will feature guests including The Walking Dead creator/writer Robert Kirkman and Gary Whitta, screenwriter for The Book of Eli and story consultant for the game.
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