Players will relive the epic journey of Danny Cheng, a young aspiring martial artist, as he rises through the ranks of international fame and stardom. Aided by his trusted Sifu, Danny will discover the secrets of Kung Fu and become the most popular martial arts stuntman Hollywood has ever known.
In a ground-breaking rethink of fighting games, players will use their full body or a controller to learn authentic martial arts techniques and level up Danny’s fighting abilities, as they improve their own knowledge of Kung Fu. Players then put their skills to the test on the movie set, where Danny takes part in dramatic fight choreographies and performs in explosive action sequences. With multiple movie sets and plots to explore, colourful characters to be met along the way, Danny’s own overarching storyline, as well as a platform for learning real martial arts in a fun and engaging way, Kung Fu Superstar™ will open up a world of possibilities to players of every background.
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