After rising to become a global power at a meteoric rate, the massive corporations responsible for the country’s success now seek to control the government and deprive the population of the right to bear arms.
Aegis Inc., a powerful, highly trained, para-military group was formed by the corporations in order to create this utopian society. From the groups of civilian rebels arose the Corps, a skilled militia that holds to their rights as citizens and the upholders of the original Korogesian government. Players must take on the role of either an Aegis utopian or a civilian rebel as the struggle reaches a boiling point. Which side will stand victorious after the smoke clears? Only time will tell.
In the world of First-Person Shooters (FPS), the art of unarmed combat is grossly ignored, but Project Blackout is looking to correct this. Without the support of mid-to-long range weapons, players must rely on cunning, tactics and stealth in order to take out the opposing team.
“With Project Blackout we are constantly asking ourselves how we can interject new gameplay modes, much like last years’ Dino Mode,” said JT Hwang, Project Blackout producer for SG Interactive. “Knuckle Mode is the latest team deathmatch gameplay with a twist, allowing players to learn how to better stalk each other without the aid of short or long-range weaponry.”
n support or this creative and new combat mode, Project Blackout has introduced two new female character skins in the Outpost. The Corps faction players have a chance at winning Rica Lopez, a hard-as-nails former sniper turned block-ops operator. Gamers who prefer to align with Aegis Inc can take on the role of Judy Chou, a combination of tactician and scientist that makes her as deadly with a scalpel as she is with a sniper rifle.
Project Blackout features include:
- An Extensive Arsenal: Combatants have access to a diverse array of weapons they can use to crush their opponents.
- Accessories with Real Impact: Real-world military items like bulletproof helmets offer in-game advantages and unique looks.
- Customizable Characters: Players have the ability to customize four base characters, two male and two female, available for each faction.
- Five Ways to Fight: Unique gameplay modes include Deathmatch, Explosion, Destroy, Annihilation, and Challenge.
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